
Lobkowicz Palace Tickets, Prague

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Lobkowicz Palace Tickets highlights

  • Discover the private and oldest artwork in the Czech Republic in the 16th century Lobkowicz Palace

  • Take a tour of this Czech Republic’s Palace and get a chance to learn about its rich history through an audio guide in your preferred language

  • Witness the original manuscripts that were composed by Beethoven, Mozart, and Haydn that are well preserved to this day

  • Marvel at Lobkowicz's collections, with approximately 1,500 paintings, including the masterpieces by Canaletto, Brueghel the Elder, Cranach, and Velázquez


Jiřská 6
Jiřská 6, 119 00 Praha 1-Hradčany, Czechia

Lobkowicz Palace Tickets cancellation_policy

  • If cancellation are made 1 days before the date of travel then 0.0% of total tour cost will be charged as cancellation fees
  • If cancellation are made 0 days to 1 days before the date of travel then 100.0% of total tour cost will be charged as cancellation fees
  • In the event of unforeseen weather conditions, union issues, government restrictions, or any other circumstances beyond human control, certain trips or activities may be cancelled. In such cases, alternate feasible options will be provided. However, a cash refund will not be available.
INR 8.16
INR 12

Lobkowicz Palace Tickets overview

Activity Location: Jiřská 6, 119 00 Praha 1-Hradčany, Czechia

Activity Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes (approx)

Activity Timings: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Activity Days: Monday - Sunday

About the Lobkowicz Palace:

Step back in time and gain some significant insights into the culture & history of Prague as you explore Lobkowicz Palace, a stunning 16th-century palace located within the Prague Castle Complex. Marvel at the outstanding artworks of renowned painters like Canaletto and Velázquez, and see the unique art styles while strolling through amazing exhibitions in the palace. Be amazed by the family’s collection of over 1,500 paintings and artifacts including military items, porcelain & musical instruments. Listen to the interesting facts from the audio guide and know more about the traditions & culture of the Lobkowicz family. Enjoy a classical music concert with your folks after exploring this fascinating palace. Book tickets for Lobkowicz Palace and marvel at the manuscripts by Mozart & Beethoven.

About the Lobkowicz Palace Tickets:

  • Explore the rich history of Europe through the Lobkowicz family collections, as you visit the Lobkowicz Palace, the largest private collection in Central Europe.
  • Reach the Prague Castle complex, roam around the palace, and gain some insight into the rich culture of Prague.
  • Know about the aristocratic life & traditions of the European nobility through the family's exceptional collection while exploring the exhibitions.
  • Marvel at 1500 international masterpieces in the form of portraits, decorative arts & porcelain ceramics made by famous artists like Canaletto, Brueghel the Elder, and Velazquez.
  • See military, sporting rifles from the 16th-18th centuries, music-related instruments, original scores, and manuscripts from Beethoven and Mozart while strolling through the palace.
  • Delve into the 600-year-old history of the Lobkowiczes, narrated by two generations of the family and the Chief Curator of the collections.
  • Listen to the narrations of the audio guide and know more about the tragic story of how the Lobkowicz family lost everything and gained it back.
  • Book Lobkowicz Palace Tickets and enjoy classical music concerts in this 16th-century built palace.

How to Reach?

  • By Car: The activity location is 6.6 km away from the Prague city center. You can reach the location in 15 minutes by car.

By Tram: The activity location is 1.1 km away from the Staroměstská Station. You can reach the location from the station in a 15-minute walk.


Lobkowicz Palace Tickets faqs

Do I have to book Lobkowicz Palace tickets in advance?

Although it is not necessary, we recommend buying them in advance as it assures you of entry into the palace. Once you book it well in advance, you can skip the crowd and enter the premises of the palace in a smooth and hassle-free manner. Moreover, you can also choose from different ticket options that come with experiences and guided tour options too, if you choose to book in advance. Meanwhile, you also have an option of booking the tickets on the spot, but there is no guarantee that you will get them or even enter the premises of the palace after a short waiting time.

Is there a discount on purchasing Lobkowicz Palace tickets online?

Yes, there is a discount when you buy them online, but apart from that, you can also choose the time of entry into the premises too. Buying the tickets online will also give you a discount to the bookshop of the museum and it comes with a priority entrance and cuts down on ample waiting time as well. Many tourists tend to miss out on booking the tickets well in advance and may not be aware of this feature. So if you are planning a trip to the palace, you can avail a discount by booking it well in advance. 

Is there a combination ticket option for Lobkowicz Palace and other attractions?

Yes, there is a combination ticket option as tourists can choose from 3 options- one with an audio guide, one with a classical music concert, and another with a midday concert as well. In case you are opting for the midday concert, do remember that the pass is inclusive of entry to the museum, concert, palace tour, and a guided tour as well. Some may find this to be slightly pricey, but it is worth it as a lot of attractions and features are inclusive of this combination ticket, so we recommend you to buy it.

What is included in the Lobkowicz Palace tickets?

The tickets are inclusive of an entry into the museum and the palace tour. Apart from the entry, you can also get a panorama tour and an audio guide to help you understand the place and its history better. Once you enter the palace, you can explore the premises at your own pace and admire the stunning interiors of the palace.

Are guided tours included in the Lobkowicz Palace tickets?

Yes, the tickets are inclusive of an audio-guided tour that will give its users more insights into the premises of the palace. Tourists can make the best use of this to understand the palace and its history better. The audio guide is complementary to the ticket that you buy and it comes in seven languages to choose from, like English, Russian, French, and German for the convenience of the tourists. 

Are there any restrictions on photography inside Lobkowicz Palace?

Yes, photography is allowed in the palace, but tourists are recommended not to use flash photography as it can be disturbing for other visitors to the palace. Both phone and camera photography are allowed for clicking pictures while at the palace. Even when the concert is happening, tourists are allowed to click pictures of the performance, but preferably without any flash. Tourists are recommended to tag the social media profiles of the Lobkowicz Palace while uploading them on social media so that the best ones can be featured on their pages. 

Is there a dress code for visiting the Lobkowicz Palace?

There is no specific dress code for visiting the palace, but tourists are expected to dress comfortably. The premises of the palace are huge and will involve a lot of walking, so if you are planning to explore the place, we also recommend wearing some comfortable footwear so that you can walk around hassle-free. The palace has some of the best interiors worth checking out and in case you want to capture some amazing photographs on your social media accounts, we recommend dressing up in smart casuals while in the palace. 

Can I bring food or drinks to the Lobkowicz Palace?

Food and drinks are allowed into the palace as it is a great place for you to have a one-day picnic. However, do remember that the more food you bring, the more you might have to wait at the checking because it may take comparatively more time for you to complete the checking. Also, do remember that the tickets you buy are not inclusive of the food, so you will have to bring your own food. 

Is Lobkowicz Palace accessible for visitors with disabilities?

Yes, the premises of the palace are wheelchair accessible, so tourists in a wheelchair will not have to worry about getting around in the premises of the palace. Even for the visually challenged people, there are Braille facilities in prominent places in the palace as well to help you learn more about the palace and to help you get around too.

Are there any restrictions on large bags or backpacks inside Lobkowicz Palace?

Large bags and luggage are not allowed into the palace, along with things like cigarettes. This place is also not pet friendly, so tourists are expected to plan their visit accordingly by not bringing their pets. Upon arrival at the venue, tourists are expected to carry a valid ID proof to enter the premises of the palace. To visit this palace, the most commonly accepted ID proof would be a passport. 


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